The Fall Guy
JoinedPosts by The Fall Guy
Watchtower promotes the Antichrist in the new June 2018 broadcasting!
by jwdoctrine inthe watchtower promotes the antichrist in the new june 2018 broadcasting.
the latest june 2018 jw-broadcast shows a small clip at the end where a group of jehovah's witnesses are standing in a field waiting to be captured by armed forces.
right behind them, a white horseman appears with a bow and arrow shooting at the armed men.
Make America Great Again Hats...would you wear one?
by minimus ini like trump but i would be reticent wearing that hat.🤠.
The Fall Guy
Make America grate again - buy more cheese!
How to deal with struggling with the doctrines
by Dval inthis is my first post.
i'm still a jw but am inactive.
im struggling with the fact that i agree with some of the doctrines (i,e, the stance on the trinity, there is no hell) but i disagree with a lot of things (i,e, men can't have beards, women have to wear skirts).
The Fall Guy
Welcome to the forum DVAL. I hope you stay around and share in the discussions.
I've sent you a PM. Take your time and and honestly test the org's "inspired expressions" to see "if they originate with God."
Sure, the org has identified some Bible truths - but so has every other Christian denomination. But telling some truths while corrupting them with numerous major lies does not qualify JW's to claim they are "God's people" and the only "true religion."
JW UK Branch update 2018: "Follow the White Elephant"
by Fay Dehr in
The Fall Guy
Perhaps Branch facilities will be dramatically reduced, just as every other aspect of the org has been.
Zone Branches in Europe, (Selters) Australasia, Africa, South America, and North America would manage the reduced functionality of the org.
Britain Branch up for sale in 3-5 years time for a nice little profit.
JW UK Branch update 2018: "Follow the White Elephant"
by Fay Dehr in
The Fall Guy
Hand on heart, even when I was a zealous JW, there's no way I could have swallowed this con job.
Sheesh, the org is doing a fantastic job of separating their wheat from the chaff.
Such verbal diarrhoea will only be gulped down without question by truly org-culcated JW's. The rest will cling on, but silently rebelling in their own little ways.
p.s. Why is the spokesman advertising a "wordly" company by wearing their hard-hat? Has the org cut back on paying for their own hard-hats?
elder from my former cong
by jookbeard ini left the wts in the early 1990's and i was baptised at the same assembly as this elder and his wife in the late 1980's they were probably in their early 50's back then, you know the kind; get called on, become a study and take to life as a jw like a duck takes to water, a dream call for all jw's and we went onto to be good friends with them over the years, the book study was held in their house also, he quietly progressed up the jw ladder became an ms then elder, a few months after i started my fade i saw him one day while i waited for a bus and he acknowledged me i said hi etc and he started a verbal tirade towards me about me knowing its the truth, how close we are living to the end, how stupid i was turning my back on it etc blah blah blah, i couldn't really get a word in edge ways, i bid him good day and that was that, he really was quite angry, i never saw him again until recently over 25 years later when him and his wife and their son were having a meal in my local pub, he was standing at the bar ordering, i saw him acknowledged him said hi and he looked straight through me, he said "do i know you ?
" i replied " hey eddie its jookbeard from the ********** congregation, surely you remember me?
" he said sorry i've never seen you before in my life, his wife came over to help him with his drinks and i said "hey pat, how are you?
The Fall Guy
They are to be pitied more than resented.
Kingdom Hall "sale" - new light!
by The Fall Guy inin a town called stevenston on the west coast of scotland, the kingdom hall was closed down approximately 6 months ago and the congregation (named kilbirnie) was assigned to use the kingdom hall of the nearby irvine congregation.. according to an ldc source at mill hill, the kilbirnie kh is scheduled for a refurbishment!
the org boots out the congregation and leaves their kh redundant for 6 months?????????
good planning, ldc.
The Fall Guy
Pepperrheart - with all the drastic cuts in literature production costs, Bethel closures, D.O./C.O./Special Pioneer redundancies, the mugging of every congregation on planet earth for their K.H.'s & the bulk of their bank balances and future incomes - as well as selling off many K.H.'s, how could you possibly think that the org is not short of money? :)
Kingdom Hall "sale" - new light!
by The Fall Guy inin a town called stevenston on the west coast of scotland, the kingdom hall was closed down approximately 6 months ago and the congregation (named kilbirnie) was assigned to use the kingdom hall of the nearby irvine congregation.. according to an ldc source at mill hill, the kilbirnie kh is scheduled for a refurbishment!
the org boots out the congregation and leaves their kh redundant for 6 months?????????
good planning, ldc.
The Fall Guy
In a town called Stevenston on the west coast of Scotland, the Kingdom Hall was closed down approximately 6 months ago and the congregation (named Kilbirnie) was assigned to use the Kingdom Hall of the nearby Irvine congregation.
According to an LDC source at Mill Hill, the Kilbirnie KH is scheduled for a refurbishment! The org boots out the congregation and leaves their KH redundant for 6 months?????????
Good planning, LDC. My olfactory receptors detect a pungent rodent in the works. (why am I so cynical?)
Could The Governing Body Harboring Pedophiles In High Positions Among Them?
by Brokeback Watchtower ini'm sure most are familiar with the greenlee's story floating around the internet.
so what if some members of the governing body have been accused of molesting a child and used the 2 witness rule to silence a accusation?
so could it be that because some high up watchtower corporation person/persons has clung to the rule because it save's his corporate ass.
The Fall Guy
If a name/s from the present/past hierarchy is buried in the org's database of child-rapists, then that would readily explain the WTBTS's downright refusal to reveal it to the courts/authorities.
The castle in the air would crumble for a lot of J.W.'s if they found out their "faithful slave" shielded child-predators.
A & E documentary - family fall-out
by Tallon injust seen this on exjw reddit - sickening beyond belief!.
long story short, we have not seen hubbys non identical twin nephews (jeremey and jerome) since we gave the middle finger to the jw's 7 or 8 years ago.
we last saw our nephews when they were 9 or 10ish.
The Fall Guy
If this is is true in all its detail, it sounds like we'll soon be getting media reports of the parents being arrested and charged.